Billing Assistance Programs

Now even more Ontarians qualify for assistance with their energy bills.

  • Customers who are behind on their electricity or natural gas bill and have received a disconnection notice, may qualify for emergency financial help through the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). in February 2024, the OEB announced important enhancements to the LEAP program including increased grant amounts and income thresholds. There are eligibility criteria to qualify and a designated Ontario intake agency will help customers to apply.
  • As of March 1, 2024, the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) also increased the income eligibility amounts, meaning that more Ontarians may be eligible to receive support in the form of an ongoing monthly credit directly to their electricity bill. Customers can visit to see if they qualify. There is not cost to apply for these programs and a home inspection is not required.

To learn more about all of the programs available to help energy customers, please visit